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Greater Lovell Land Trust is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, so any and all gifts are tax deductible, as allowed by law. We rely on donations carry on our work in this special region. Monthly recurring donations and contributions to our spring and fall appeals are ways to provide invaluable year-round support.
EIN: 22-2724055
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Other ways to give:
Prefer to send us your donation? Mail to: Greater Lovell Land Trust, P.O. Box 225, Lovell, ME 04051.
Memories and remembrancesβ¦
We are moved to know that supporters, long-standing and new, value our mission and choose to make gifts honoring, commemorating, remembering loved-ones.
Please support the Greater Lovell Land Trust as a resource for the future of the Kezar Lake, Kezar River, and Cold River watersheds.