Kezar Outlet Fen

A vast wetland (256 acres) stretching from the south end of Lower Bay in Kezar Lake, south into the town of Fryeburg near Harbor Road. The fen protects 2,125 feet of shoreline along the southern shore of Lower Bay and 8,450 feet of frontage along the Outlet itself. The landscape includes the very large fen with upland shoulders. There are several small shallow ponds on the property and an array of plant and animal species that rely on this relatively rare acidic environment. Otter, moose, deer, bear, beaver, mink, raccoon, and muskrat are known to be present and bald eagles have been regularly seen in the area.

There is limited public access to this property via boat from the Kezar Lake Outlet. Those entering the property should respect adjacent private properties, and recognize that foot travel is hindered by very wet conditions much of the year.

Species observed to date


Kezar Outlet Fen BIRDS

Kezar Outlet Fen Flora

Kezar Outlet Fen Mammals

Kezar Outlet Fen REPTILES/