for Human & Natural Communities

Click the image to learn more about conservation easements.


There are so many benefits of Conserved Land for us all…Now and into the future.

The pressure to develop land to meet human objectives is never-ending. But there are critical human needs that may only be met by open space and functioning natural systems, and this is the role that land conservation plays. Providing habitat for the other organisms with which we share the planet is a key one. There are few who do not enjoy seeing wildlife, from moose and otters to loons and butterflies. Some of the many other benefits include:

  • Acting as a natural filter to maintain water quality and supply

  • Finding peace and solitude in our bustling world

  • Hiking, boating, hunting, fishing and other outdoor recreational opportunities

  • Providing outdoor classrooms for all ages to learn about and engage directly with natural wonders

  • Enjoying the mountain and other amazing views from roads and trails

  • Increasing resilience to changing climate through erosion control, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration and storage

  • Supporting local economies through tourism, forestry and other resources.

Land trusts, such as GLLT, work with willing landowners who wish to ensure that their vision for the future of their property is upheld in perpetuity, as well as leave a legacy for the generations to come.

Click here learn more about options for conserving your land and leaving a legacy for future generations,

You may also contact Rhyan or Erika at for more information.