There are so many ways to support conservation

Your generous, tax-deductible gifts in response to our spring and year-end appeals are just one way help further our mission.

Many people choose to give from their assets, stocks, gifts from IRAs, gifts from DAFs to see even larger tax savings.

GLLT recently partnered with FreeWill to help make your generous giving easy and secure. Please explore the options below, which include links to GLLT’s site on FreeWill’s giving platform.

If you prefer to work directly with your financial advisor, you will need GLLT’s EIN: 22-2724055.

  • Use this tool to donate stock so we can track your gift, send you the correct receipt, and ensure you can get the tax savings you deserve. If you would prefer to make your donation through your broker, access our transfer information from the link above to notify the GLLT of your gift.

  • This tool automatically links with your DAF,allows you to recommend how you’d like your gift to be used and notifies the GLLT of your intentions.  Using the link above to grant from your DAF also saves us a lot of time, so thank you! It’s a great way to ensure consistent financial support while saving cash for immediate needs.

  • For those over 70 1/2 who must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), an IRA gift is a simple way to fulfill it! By using the link below to give from your IRA, you can auto-complete your paperwork and we can track your gift to send you the proper tax receipts. Give from my IRA

  • We now accept donations of Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies! This gives us one more way to fund our work and can provide you with extra tax benefits. Give Cryptocurrency

Interested in including GLLT in your estate planning and/or will? Please click on the button below for our Legacy Giving page.

Additionally, the GLLT considers gifts of land or conservation easements. Note that lands do not have to have conservation value to benefit the land trust. Contact us to learn more.

Donating conservation lands to GLLT is an excellent way for you or your family to contribute directly to the mission of the GLLT and the long term well being of the communities of the Kezar Lake, Kezar River and Cold River watersheds.

With assistance from your tax and legal advisors, we encourage you to carefully consider how one or more of these opportunities can work for you and your family. If you would like more information about giving options, please contact Erika Rowland, Executive Director at (207) 925-1056 or to begin a confidential conversation.

Thank you for your commitment to Greater Lovell Land Trust!

Photo of frolicking beavers by Moira Yip.