Wilson Wing Moose Pond Bog Preserve / Bishop Cardinal Preserve

Wilson Wing Moose Pond Bog Preserve (formally the Sucker Brook Preserve)

This preserve includes a 32-acre holding along a section of Sucker Brook beginning at the south end of Horseshoe Pond and extending south to the shores of Moose Pond. This portion of the property is dominated by a rich riparian environment that includes cardinal flowers and access to a viewing platform that looks out towards Moose Pond. Parking is available and a nature trail is maintained along the stream from Horseshoe Pond that provides access to a landscape rich in mammal sign and bird activity.

BIshop Cardinal Preserve

There is an additional 69-acre tract of land to the west of Horseshoe Pond Road, adjacent to the White Mountain National Forest, and access to the trail system leading to Lord’s Hill. There are two circular trails that traverse this upland environment that is bisected by a seasonal stream.


From Lovell, drive north on Route 5. Turn left onto West Lovell Road. Proceed over the Narrows Bridge. Continue on West Lovell Road, bearing left at the first fork (3 miles) onto Foxboro Road. Follow Foxboro Road (straight ahead) at the fork with New Road. Drive about one mile to Horseshoe Pond Road on your right. Proceed down Horseshoe Pond Road for 0.8 miles to the kiosk on the right just before the boat landing.

The Property

The generosity of the Wilson Wing family launched the project to protect significant habitats in the Horseshoe Pond area. The Wing’s donation of 20.7 acres of land around Moose Pond to The Nature Conservancy was augmented by the Sucker Brook Committee (The precursor to GLLT), which added another 12 acres surrounding Sucker Brook, creating the Wilson Wing Moose Pond Bog Preserve. In 1997 the Preserve was donated to GLLT, and with assistance from the Fields Pond Foundation, in 1998 GLLT purchased the 69 acres west of the Horseshoe Pond Road now known as the Bishop Cardinal Reserve. 

The 32 acre Preserve is managed primarily in its natural state, while the 69 acre Reserve is managed to preserve water quality and support recreation, wildlife habitat and sustainable wood products. 


Wilson Wing Moose Pond Bog

This Preserve is host to a large variety of flora and fauna that thrive in the forested and wetland habitat pre-sent. Scarlet-red Cardinal flowers grace the brook in late summer. Spring birding, winter mammal track-ing, and “owling” are favored activities.

Bishop Cardinal Reserve

This reserve is host to a significant beech and northern hardwood forest supporting black bear, dear, moose and many more native species. Two small streams flow throughout the year. A small group of majestic and aged hemlocks are present along the northern boundary. 

The GLLT has constructed two loop trails, with the Red Trail merging in-to the trail to the Lord’s Hill mine and overlook, on the White Mountain National Forest. 

Use Guidelines 

Permitted uses include:
• Hiking and picnicking
• Noncommercial foraging of berries and mushrooms
• Nature Observation

These activities are not allowed: 
• Camping or Fires
• Motorized vehicles/ATV’s
• Mountain bikes
• Cutting/removal of vegetation

Please use the land responsibly, leaving it just as you found it.

Contact Us

Greater Lovell Land Trust
P.O. Box 225
Lovell, ME 04051

We are a non-profit organization working to conserve lands and waters in the interest of the public in Stow, Stoneham, Sweden, and Lovell. We welcome your support, whether through volunteerism, financial gifts, or simply getting out on our lands. Please, join us!

Wilson Wing moose Bog preserve BIRDS

Wilson Wing moose Bog preserve Flora

Wilson Wing moose Bog preserve Mammals

Wilson Wing moose Bog preserve REPTILES/